Anti-dyslipidemic potential of water-soluble polysaccharides of Ganoderma applanatum in Macapos 2 indices obèse rays

TRACK 4 : Global Health / One Health
Anti-dyslipidemic potential of water-soluble polysaccharides of Ganoderma applanatum in Macapos 2 indices obèse rays
Mfopa Adamou;

Kamgang René;

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Increased consumption of high-calorie foods lead to obesity usually associates with metabolic disorders including diabètes, hyperglycemia ans dyslipidemia. Ganoderma applanatum is a non-edible mushroom traditionally used in west-cameroon for thé treatment of many diseases including hypertension, diabetes and hepatitis. This study was designed to investigate thé anti-dyslipidemic potential of water-soluble polysaccharides of G. applanatum in Macapos 2 indices obèse rats. Obesity was induced with a local high-fat diet for four months on wistar rats ans G. applanatum polysaccharides obtained by hot water extraction were administered to obèse rats for two months at different dose levels and its potential was investigateur on food consumption, bodyweight gain, serum and tissu lipids parameters. G. applanatum extract increased the bodyweight gain of rats ans decreased the total cholesterol, yriglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and thé atherogenic index. Conversely, G. applanatum extract improved thé HDL-cholesterol in obese rats. These results showed that G. applanatum extract may bé considered as a novel bioactive compound against dyslipidemia ans its associated complications.