Assessing the implementation of the National Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance in Cameroon in a One Health perspective

TRACK 4 : Global Health / One Health
Assessing the implementation of the National Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance in Cameroon in a One Health perspective

  1. UN
  2. UN
  3. UN
  4. UD
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Background : As recommended by the tripartite (OMS, OIE, FAO), Cameroon in May 2018 elaborated its national action plan against antimicrobial resistance (NAP-AMR). The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of implementation of this NAP based on the level of execution of the intended activities for each of the six (06) strategic objectives.
Methods : An evaluation metrics was developed based on the different activities envisaged in the NAP. A 1to 4 scale was used to evaluate the level of realisation of each indicator. Through interviews, Data was collected at the central (MINSANTE, MINEPIA, MINADER, MINEPDED) and peripheral levels of the human, animal, plant and environment health sectors.
Results : A mean score of 1.3 (no capacity) was obtained for all activities intended in this plan. The level of implementation of activities related to the improvement of knowledge, awareness and understanding of AMR was 1.5. For the strengthening of knowledge and evidence through surveillance and research, the score was 1.2, while the reduction of the incidence of infection and the optimisation of the use of antimicrobial medicines scored 1.2 and 1.7 respectively. Cameroon scored 1.0 and 1.1 respectively for the implementation of activities related to finance, governance and multisectoral coordination of the fight against AMR.
Conclusion : More than a year after the development of this NAP-AMR, the implementation of different activities was observed to be at an initial stage. A sustainable funding mechanism is required to improve the implementation of the NAP-AMR in Cameroon. It would be important to develop an operational plan and a monitoring and evaluation plan for implementation of the activities related to the fight against AMR.

Key words: antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial consumption, national action plan, Cameroon, evaluation metrics, “one health”, public health.