ISOLATION of bacteria with purifying potential and application in the treatment of effluents from an artisanal Palm oil mill in the littoral reguin of cameroon

TRACK 3 : Environment and Biodiversity
ISOLATION of bacteria with purifying potential and application in the treatment of effluents from an artisanal Palm oil mill in the littoral reguin of cameroon
DJIEN nyami félicite;

Fobasso tagnikeu romeo;

  1. UD
  2. UD
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Track 3 : Environment and biodiversity

Isolation of Bacteria with Purifying Potential and Application in the Treatment of Effluents from an Artisanal Palm Oil Mill in the Littoral Region of Cameroon

Djien Nyami Félicité1, Noubou Takam Daïna1, Fobasso Tagnikeu Roméo1, Emmanuel Mpondo Mpondo2, Véronique Penlap Beng3, Tavea Fréderic Marie1

1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and

Introduction : Crude palm oil (the main oil palm product traded globally) accounts for 39% of world production and is the most important oil before soybeans oil, rapeseed oil and sunflower oil. Its production generates large quantities effluents with a high concentration of oil and fat (palm oil mill effluent) which constitute a major source of pollution. It is with the aim of solving this problem that this study was carried out with the general objective of reducing the pollutant load of these effluents by using bacteria.
Méthodology : To this end, raw palm oil mill wastewater samples were taken for their characterization by evaluating the in-situ (Temperature, pH and Conductivity) and ex-situ (MES, COD and H / G) parameters. In addition, a bacterial screening was carried out from samples of contaminated soil based on the production of lipolytic enzymes, the degradation of oils and fats and the reduction of the pollutant load.
Résults : Results revealed that 28 isolates were able to reduce the pollution parameters of palm oil mill effluents of which D17, D22 and D23 seemed to be the best purifying isolates. The characterization of the POME (palm oil mill effluent), basing the temperature, pH, CND, O/F, SS, BOD and COD showed us values greater than the recommended rate. Partial characterization of these isolates revealed that D17 and D23 are bacteria that could reduce the polluting parameters of the effluents belonged to the Bacillus sp. genus and D22 to the Acinetobacter sp. Genus.
Conclusion : These results are satisfactory and the bacteria strains obtained could be used in bioremediation

Keys words : Palm Oil, Mill Effluent, Bacteria, Pollution,