Myxosporidia (Cnidaria: Myxosporea) parasitizing the fins of Labeobarbus habereri (Teleostean: Cyprinidae) from river Moliwe, Cameroon, Africa

TRACK 3 : Environment and Biodiversity
Myxosporidia (Cnidaria: Myxosporea) parasitizing the fins of Labeobarbus habereri (Teleostean: Cyprinidae) from river Moliwe, Cameroon, Africa
TCHOUTEZO TIWA Amandine Estelle;

ATEMBEH Noura Efietngab; MBOLANG NGUEGANG Lohik; ONANA ATEBA Nelly Ornelle; FEUDJIO DONGMO Bienvenu; FOMENA Abraham;

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Fish and fishery products offer a valuable and inexpensive source of high-quality animal protein and the livelihood of many people in developing countries depends on fish. However, fish constitute a favourable biotope for the development of a large number of parasites including myxosporidia which causes a lot of damages in fisheries industries. One of the most preferred sites for the development of species of myxosporidia is fins. Based on that, the fins of 760 Labeobarbus habereri harvested in Moliwe River at Limbe, were examined for myxosporidia. A classical set of methods concerning fishing, fish dissection, parasites search, and identification under light microscope using morphometric characteristics as well as usual histology techniques were used. The prevalence and parasites characterization using some ecological index was determined. Comparison with P values less than 5% were considered significant. Three species of myxosporidia with three sites of implantation of plasmodia on fins were recorded. These parasites are: Myxobolus njinei Fomena, Birgi & Bouix 1985 and Myxobolus burkinei Kabré, Sakiti, Marquès & Sawadogo, 1995 and Myxobolus sp.1. Histological section revealed that the cysts are implanted in the lumen of fin rays for M. njinei; on the skin doublets between fin rays for M. burkinei; on the surface or partially encrusted in the fin ray for M. sp.1. 653 hosts were infected with at least one parasites species. Multiple infections with 2 (19.74%) and 3 (3.95%) parasites species were recorded. The three types of associations recorded are: M. burkinei – M. sp1; M. njinei – M. sp1 and M. burkinei – M. njinei – M. sp1. Dice’s index and tetrachoric coefficient revealed that parasitic associations are random. The presence of the plasmodia of myxosporidia species on the fins of Labeobarbus habereri can lead to the deformation of this organ and compromise fish locomotive function.