Myxosporidia of the genus Myxobolus Bütschli,1882 parasites of some teleots fish of the Yoyo River in Meiganga, Adamaoua, Cameroon

TRACK 3 : Environment and Biodiversity
Myxosporidia of the genus Myxobolus Bütschli,1882 parasites of some teleots fish of the Yoyo River in Meiganga, Adamaoua, Cameroon

FEUDJIO DOGMO Bienvenu; ONANA ATEBA Nelly Ornelle; TCHOUTEZO TIWA Amandine Estelle; KENNE Zenabou Macha;

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From December 2017 to Febuary 2019, Enteromius macrops, Notoglanidium macrostoma and Synodontis rebeli harvested from Yoyo River located in the city of Meiganga, Adamaoua, Cameroon. These fish were examined at the laboratory od parasitology and ecology of the University of Yaoundé I, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the fauna of Myxosporidia parasite on freshwater fish in Cameroon. This study revealed that these fish hosted a very diverse fauna of Myxosporidia. The genus Myxobolus was fine in the majority of the parasitic species foundd. Among these species four were preciously described and three were found in Enteromius macrops : Myxobolus Camerounensis Fomena & Bouix, 1993 founds in seed coat and gills, Myxobolus oloi Fomena & Bouix, 1985 parasite in muscle, Myxobolus sanagaensis Lekeufack Folefack, Defoueng & Fomena,2017 parasite of the gills, muscles, opercula and fins. Myxobolus synodonti Fomena Bouix & Birgi, 1985 parasite of kidney and spleen in Synodontis rebeli. And two species seem new to science: Myxobolus sp1 founds in the ureter in Synodontis rebeli and Myxobolus sp2 parasite founds in the fins of Notoglanidium macrostoma.