Phenotypic variability of Cameroon Goudali cattle breed in Adamawa environment

TRACK 3 : Environment and Biodiversity
Phenotypic variability of Cameroon Goudali cattle breed in Adamawa environment
Abdou salam Nsangou;

  1. IR
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INTRODUCTION : In Cameroon, the cattle population is estimated to be more than 5.040.000 herds. These
consisted of the taurin (1%) and the zebus (99%). Zebus consisting in Goudali (34%) and M’bororo (65%). There are three varieties of Goudali zebu : the Ngaoundéré, the Tignère and the Banyo varieties. Despite the interest and importance of this breed, few thorough studies of morphometric characterization have been carried out.
METHODOLOGY: With reference to the guidelines of AU-IBAR (2015) and of FAO (2007), 36 characteristics
including 16 qualitative and 20 measurements were recorded in seven (7) localities of the Department of Mayo￾Banyo. A total of 321 mature animals (234 cows and 87 bulls) with ages from 6 to 16 years whose body score condition varied from 2 to 4, were randomly sampled.
RESULTS : This study revealed 19.00% white coat and its derivatives (spotted coat pattern, herminure, gray, truiting); 9.99% black and its derivatives (black list and black pie); 18.06% pie (4.67% pie black and 13.39% pie red); 52.94% red and its derivatives (red pied, red, and red liste). Monochrome coat are less represented (38.94%) than dichromatic coat (61.06%). A predominance of white-black horns (50.2%) followed by gray horns (42.4%). It is a longhaired population, with straight ears laterally oriented and whose bump occupies a cervico-thoracic position. The facial profile is straight. The neck has a curved horizontal profile. The rump was tilted with tails tied down. The raised form horns are mostly represented (73.5%), followed by low lyre horns (15.9%). The other forms (stump, lateral, crown and asymmetrical deformed right or left) being minor. Most of the animals have raised horns (92.5%). The erected and middle-sized bumps (86.6%) are dominant. Body measurements (cm) are presented as follows: height at the withers (129.34±0.50), height at the sacrum (134.56±0.37), chest depth (67.37±0.33), and head length. The main biometric indexes are; the massive index (2.69±0.06kg/cm), proportionality (94.42±1.06), and cephalic (37.13±0.55). The variegation observed may be due to uncontrolled mating systems and owners’ choices.
CONCLUSION : The main results showed a great variegation of phaneroptic, morphological and biometric traits of Goudali breed, Banyo variety.
IMPACT OF THE STUDY : Capacity of meat production is related to body measurements. These results will be
used in cross-breeding programs and genetic improvement.
Key words: Genetic diversity, Morphobiometrics, Goudali, Cameroon