Uses of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) exploited by the populations of Dibombari and Pouma (Littoral-Cameroon)

TRACK 3 : Environment and Biodiversity
Uses of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) exploited by the populations of Dibombari and Pouma (Littoral-Cameroon)

Ngotta Bruno; Priso Richard;

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Uses of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) exploited by the populations of Dibombari and Pouma (Littoral-Cameroon)
Usages des produits forestiers non ligneux exploités par les populations de Dibombari et Pouma (Littoral-Cameroun)
Nguimfack Dongmo Jasmine1*, Ngotta Biyon Jacques Bruno1, Priso Richard Jules1
1 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, BP : 24157, Université de Douala, Cameroun
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Non-Timber Forest Products are goods of biological origin other than wood, derived from forests, other wooded land and trees outside forests. NTFPs play a significant role in the existence of local communities, as they provide them with food and substantial income. The aim of the study is to promote the exploitation of NTFPs with a view to promoting an integrated local forestry economy as part of the fight against poverty in the Cameroonian Littoral region. Ethnobotanical surveys were carried out with the households of Dibombari and Pouma in order to identify the NTFPs and their uses in the various study sites, inventories will also be carried out in order to assess the availability of some major NTFPs identified in the sites of ‘study. As a result of this work, 70 species have been recorded in Dibombari, Gnetum africanum, Haumania danckelmaniana, Ageratum conyzoides, were the most cited; these species are used by the local population for medicinal (61%), food (31%) and artisan (8%) purposes. Of the 62 species identified in Pouma, Ageratum conyzoides, Enantia chlorantha, Spondias dulcis were the most cited , 54% are for medicinal use, 38% are dedicated to food and 8% are for crafts. At the end of the work, a database on the types of NTFPs in the different study areas will be available. Keys words: databases, inventories, NTFP.